Which Audio & Timecode cables are needed for RED Digital Cinema’s V-Raptor (DSCM3 body)? Here’s a guide with all interfacing solutions linked below.
▶ Dual XLR Cable-to-Right-Angle LEMO 00B 5pin
▶ 1/8″ 3.5mm TRS-to-LEMO 00B 5pin (for Sennheiser G3-4/Zaxcom URX/ERX)
▶ RED DSMC3 LEMO 5pin-to-Dual XLR Box
▶ BNC-to-Straight LEMO 9pin (for most sync boxes)
▶ BNC-to-Right-Angle LEMO 9pin
▶ 1/8″ 3.5mm TRS-to-Straight LEMO 9pin (Tentacle)
▶ 1/8″ 3.5mm-to-Right-Angle LEMO 9pin (Tentacle)
If the V-Raptor has the optional…
▶ RED ‘Blade’ Expansion Module
Timecode input is available via LEMO 5pin (0B size) using…
▶ BNC-to-LEMO 5pin-0B (most Sync Boxes)
▶ 1/8″ 3.5mm-to-LEMO 5pin-0B (Tentacle Sync)
To use the V-Raptor *w/Blade* as the Timecode MASTER source feeding a Sound Devices Mix-Pre 3 or 6, you can use this…
▶ LEMO 5pin-0B-to-BNC
AND add this BNC-to-1/8″ adapter to the BNC cable’s *Output side* and plug into MixPre’s 1/8″ Aux input to receive Timecode from the V-Raptor.
▶ RED Digital Cinema V-RAPTOR Package
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